Somerset West Workshops

Somerset West Workshops

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It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. That is what Generation Strength’s Workshops are all about.

Come and learn how to move better so that you can move more and move stronger and faster.

Click on one of the Workshops below to learn more, and fill out the short form on the side of this page to request more information about the next date for our Workshops and how to get signed up today!



SFG Kettlebell Course

The most fundamental and thoroughly in-depth Kettlebell instruction available within a single day. Generations Strength’s SFG Kettlebell Training Course was developed by the founder of modern Kettlebell movemen,t Pavel Tsatsouline, this Kettlebell Course is the 8-hour Kettlebell course perfected.

Our SFG Kettlebell instructors are the strongest, most qualified and experienced Kettlebell instructors in the world. When you take Generation Strength’s Kettlebell course you’ll learn only the most necessary skills in order to ensure you understand the techniques and concepts to safely practice on your own to increase your general strength and conditioning, muscle building, and fat loss.

In our SFG Kettlebell Training Course you will learn:

  • Deadlift – the most “functional” exercise
  • Squat – the essential and easy-to-learn goblet squat
  • Swing – the “fat-burning athlete builder”
  • Turkish Get-Up, or TGU – a lesson in moving strong
  • Military Press – a classic test of strength and one of the very best upper body builders

SFG Level 1 Certification Workshop

Join the exclusive ranks of high-end Kettlebell professionals – if you have what it takes!

Generation Strength presents an integrated approach to overall strength and fitness where each instructor candidate learns principles of strength, and the precise ways in which Kettlebells should be used for developing, maximizing, and maintaining strength.

The SFG Level 1 Certification Workshop is presented through three days of hands-on instruction, as well as within an extensive manual that is accessible only to attendees of the Certification.

The SFG Certification cannot merely be purchased – and not everyone who attends passes. Each instructor candidate must perform to a very high standard in strength and technical precision in order to earn the SFG credential. These elite athletes and coaches must then also maintain their SFG credential by re-certifying every two years, to ensure that their knowledge and skills remain the highest in the industry.

SFG Kettlebell Instructor Level II Certification

SFG Level II is an advanced certification open to SFG certified instructors only and demands serious preparation. A 1/2 bodyweight single Kettlebell military press is a prerequisite for men; 1/3 bodyweight for women.

The following exercises are taught:

  • Double Push Press
  • Double Jerk
  • Double Snatch
  • Windmill
  • Bent Press
  • Bottom-Up Series

Join the Kettlebell Instructor elite!

Clubbell Workshop

Club Swinging is an ancient art that helps to develop coordination, improved shoulder efficiency, and mobility. Generation Strength’s Clubbell Workshop will strength your back, shoulders, and improve elbow and wrist flexibility.

Taught by Head Instructor, Shaun Cairns, our Clubbell Workshop will break down classic club movements into progression, postures, and positions to enhance your safety, learning, and results.

Personal Training

We know that one size does NOT fit all. In our Personal Training fitness program, we take the time with each and every one of our members to learn about you, then design…

Group Fitness

In our Small Group Fitness environment, there is not only coaching but support from the other students. Each session is designed to increase your functional strength…


It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. That is what Generation Strength’s Workshops are all about. Come and learn how to move better so…

Contact Us

9 Disa Avenue
Somerset West, South Africa, 7130

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